Men’s Health Week is in the middle of June – and self-care for men is more important than ever. If you are only catering your treatments and skincare to women – you are missing out! Skincare conversations largely focus on women. So if you find it difficult to market your SkinBase treatments to men, we’ve got some tips for you.
SkinBase Treatments for Men
All SkinBase treatments are ideal for anyone – depending on their skin concerns and goals. When marketing for men, focus on typically male skin problems and concerns. This is your opportunity to show how you can solve them.Microdermabrasion for Men
The combined forces of the aluminium oxide crystals and suction in the Microdermabrasion treatment allows for a vigorous exfoliation of skin. For men who shave, razor burns, ingrown hairs and general skin irritation can arise as a result. Exfoliation is essential when preparing the skin to achieve a smooth shave. Removing dead skin cells and debris off the skin allows a closer shave. It also reduces the chances of negative effects. A course of MD will reduce the risk of razor burn and prevent ingrown hairs.Treatments for Men: Tips
Some people prefer to understand how a treatment will make them feel, and know how they can benefit in the long term. Others live and shop in the now. Often, men fall into this short-term category, so keep this in mind when marketing. Emphasise the purpose, use and value of a product or treatment by asking yourself:- What does the product or treatment do for the skin?
- What problem is it going to solve?
- Why is it beneficial or useful in the short term?
SkinBase™ is one of the world’s leading providers of professional beauty machines trusted by over 2,200 accredited salons and spas and more than 4,000 estheticians!
Find out more about how a partnership with SkinBase™ can increase the profitability of your salon or medspa today.