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believe in results: longevity pillars

How To Maximise Your Client Results Using The Longevity Pillars

Longevity is the science and practice of optimising health and lifespan. Skincare is an important part of longevity. Studies suggest the health of your skin can predict your risk of developing diseases unrelated to the skin. Longevity research highlights several ‘longevity pillars’ in our everyday environment that contribute to prolonging lifespan. Read on to find out how to maximise your client results using the longevity pillars.


A well-balanced diet is essential for healthy skin. As the body’s largest organ, food makes up the building blocks of the skin – stopping it from breaking down and keeping it strong, A poor diet can cause:

  • Inflammation
  • Redness & breakouts
  • Premature ageing

Processed, sugary foods – and too many carbohydrates – affect collagen production and increase oil and sebum. Our skin is a reflection of what we eat so nourishing from the inside is an important longevity pillar. As a therapist, recommend a rainbow diet with plenty of healthy fats. Vitamins and minerals within food help to repair tissues, synthesise collagen and regenerate cells. Think plenty of fruits and vegetables, oily fish, nuts and legumes.

Download the healthy habits guide to pass onto your clients here.


Regular exercise is one of the keys to healthy skin. The positive impact on skin is evident straight after a workout. By promoting a healthy circulation, we can keep skin healthy and vibrant. Increasing blood flow nourishes skin cells and helps to remove toxins. It stimulates collagen production at the same time.

Moderate exercise helps to stimulate the lymph drainage process and boosts blood circulation. Aerobic exercise is great for clear skin – the post-exercise glow is no myth. As a therapist, recommend that your clients combine weekly cardio exercise with strength training. Everyone should  aim for 150 minutes a week. Their self-confidence will also get a boost.


High quality sleep allows time for the skin to rest, recover and heal. A bad night’s sleep shows on skin the very next day. Exercise helps promote good quality sleep. It reduces anxiety and promotes deeper sleep. Cortisol increases inflammation and breaks down collagen.

Sleep deprivation leads to:

  • Raised cortisol levels and inflammation
  • Breakouts
  • More wrinkles
  • Puffiness

Tell your clients to create an environment that supports sleep. Think about the temperature, light, and noise. Avoid blue light before bedtime and stick to a consistent sleep cycle by going to bed at the same time every day. Sleep is the ultimate rejuvenator.

Minimised Stress

Stress shows on skin. The brain-skin connection is no joke – stress increases cortisol levels which can wreak havoc on skin. Symptoms can manifest on the skin in many forms:

  • Inflammation & breakouts
  • Reduction in collagen production
  • Increase in sebum production

You should encourage clients to engage in destressing activities. Sport and  mindfulness are great options. Breathing exercise can help your clients to de-stress.

Social Connection

Social connection is important for your client’s skin. Negativity caused by poor social connection or loneliness can trigger constant cortisol levels. Positive social interactions trigger the release of oxytocin and dopamine. These ‘happy hormones’ can improve the appearance of skin.

Remind your clients to boost social connection. They could volunteer in their local communities or reconnect with an old friend.

Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is important for your clients’ skin. Constant low-level stress caused by a negative mindset means stress responses are constantly active. Again, there will be an increase in cortisol levels. Negative interactions can manifest in our skin so it’s time to get happy.

An optimistic outlook on life is key to healthy ageing. People who have positive attitudes are more likely to engage in activities that complement the other longevity pillars – like good nutrition and exercise.

Encourage your clients to train their mindsets to become more positive. A good way of doing this it to practise gratitude and take ‘me-time’ on a regular basis. Forming and maintaining strong social ties has a powerful influence on the function (and look) of our skin. Don’t let things get ‘under your skin’!

Sticking to these longevity pillars in their daily routine will improve your clients’ skin, encourage youthful ageing and make them healthier to boot.


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