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acne treatments

Acne Treatments for Awareness Month

There are plenty of acne treatments out there – do your clients know what you provide? Every June we celebrate Acne Awareness Month. This is the perfect opportunity to make your clients aware of the acne treatments you have available. Focus on the ways you can help to identify and treat your acne-prone clients. This will improve any acne issues they have. Whether it’s an occasional outbreak or a persistent presence, there’s an acne treatment suitable for everyone.

Acne Treatments

Understanding the underlying cause for acne will determine the best acne treatment. Genetics, hormones, stress and diet can all cause this skin problem. Identify the triggers and banish acne long-term.

SkinBase Skincare for Acne

Using SkinBase’s essential products is a great starting point for acne sufferers. Using the right products for their skin type can make all the difference to your client’s results. Their day to day skincare routine is an important part of treating acne. To support any acne treatments, encourage using gentle formulas with soothing properties. SkinBase’s own essential products are ideal.  They are vegan friendly and cruelty-free. Salicylic acid is also effective at clearing skin and is available over-the-counter. It works best for blackheads and whiteheads by keeping pores clean. Salicylic acid also reduces the skin’s sebum production leading to fewer outbreaks.

SkinBase Microdermabrasion for Acne 

A course of SkinBase’s Microdermabrasion is an excellent remedy for acne. Fast and effective, the results are instant and only get better with each treatment. MD exfoliates the top layer of skin and removes dirt and dead skin cells (which cause acne). The vacuum sucks up the debris and unclogs blocked pores. MD renews the skin’s surface and stimulates blood flow. Cell renewal and collagen production begins – which means a fresh clear complexion.

SkinBase IPL for Acne 

SkinBase’s Intense Pulsed Light emits yellow, green and red light. The light destroys bacteria, targets sebaceous glands and stimulates collagen production. IPL kills bacteria, reduces inflammation and prevents the overproduction of sebum. This is the ultimate acne treatment. Follow IPL with a course of Microdermabrasion and your client’s skin transformation will be complete. IPL is one of the safest and most convenient acne treatments available.

Acne Triggers

IPL and Microdermabrasion can treat the topical acne, but removing acne triggers is also important. Your client must improve their skincare regime and update their lifestyle choices. Then they will be able to say goodbye to acne and acne scarring forever.

SkinBase™ is one of the world’s leading providers of professional beauty machines trusted by over 2,200 accredited salons and spas and more than 4,000 estheticians!

Find out more about how a partnership with SkinBase™ can increase the profitability of your salon or medspa today.

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