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Add Value by Giving Knowledge for Free

As a professional, experienced and friendly business owner, you’ll know lots of helpful and insightful pieces of information and advice that will no doubt be beneficial to others. While it may not seem instantly obvious, you can, in fact, use your knowledge and expertise to grow your business. By sharing valuable information that clients will find useful you encourage them to visit time and time again because of the excellent service they receive. This is the type of service that will help you stand out from the competition

There are a number of great ways that you can add value when it comes to both your clients and colleagues, so let’s take a look at how you can do this.

Sharing Really is Caring

Whether it’s how to remove hair dye stains from a favourite shirt or how to achieve luxurious thick tresses, by simply sharing a piece of information, you can really help someone else. You may know a few hints or tricks and have never thought twice about telling anyone but this information could be so valuable to someone else.

For example, if there’s an excellent product you stock in your salon that you swear by for delivering results, you must think about ways to share this with others. Not only can it be helpful to someone else but it also promotes items that you sell (as long as you stock them for retail, of course!).

Detail is Key

Explaining why particular products are great and why others should use them is important if you want to instil confidence in those you are sharing the message with. Knowledge can be so beneficial to those who wouldn’t otherwise have a clue about what product to use or why it might help them.

Providing exact details as to how exactly a certain product has changed your beauty or hair-care regime can be incredibly insightful for someone, especially when they’re actively looking for advice. Cover all the details by using the 5 W’s when applicable:

  • Who – who uses it i.e. other than you, is it endorsed by any celebrities or famous people?
  • What – what happened when the product was used?
  • Where – where did it take place i.e. where were the most obvious changes or where do you use it?
  • When – when is it best to use this product?
  • Why – why did you choose to use it in the first place?

Use Compliments to Your Advantage

If a client compliments you on your shiny smooth skin or wrinkle-free hands, use that as an opportunity to share your beauty and skincare knowledge with them. What you know can be incredibly valuable, whether you think it is or not. Many of your clients – and possibly even colleagues – won’t have this information so enlighten them as to how they can improve their routines. Make sure you are a shining example of what your salon offers. You might feel like you don’t have the time to have a facial or get your nails done, but you are expecting your clients to find the time. So, make time and then tell your clients why it was worth finding the time, it might just encourage them to do so too.

Stock Your Favourite Products

If possible, stock the products that you use so that you are acting as a true ambassador. The only way that you really move your business forward by sharing your valuable knowledge is by being able to offer these products and treatments to clients.

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