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warm welcome

Always Give Your Clients the Warmest Welcome 

While you may believe that the way you currently welcome clients into your salon is already great, it’s important to regularly review how you and your colleagues do things in order to understand if there are any improvements to be made. It’s so simple to take action and make the right steps when it comes to welcoming your clients.

Make a start by keeping an eye on how colleagues act when a client enters the salon and note down anything that you would like them to do differently. The following tips are a really great place to start.

Acknowledgement is Essential

Even if you’re in the middle of something and can’t speak to a client straightaway, a simple smile or nod can make them feel that their presence has been acknowledged. Ideally, if there is a colleague present and they notice that you’re busy and unable to greet the client, they will step in and take over.

Uphold a Friendly Approach

If a new client enters your salon for the first time, chances are they will be analysing everything from the minute they step through the door. Therefore, it’ so important to always come across as friendly and welcoming, using open body language and smiles to engage with your new clients.

Of course, you should also be just as welcoming to existing clients, but realistically, they’re less likely to be as judgemental as new clients and will already know you and your colleagues from past visits. Your overall approach should be to stay positive and open at all times with anyone who walks through your door.

Stop What You Are Doing

Unless you’re in the middle of a treatment or cutting someone’s hair (or something as equally as important) a client should ideally be greeted within 30 seconds of entering your salon. If you’re unable to do this and know that you have a few important appointments throughout the day, ensure there is someone who can greet customers instead of you.

Appearance is Important 

You are the face of your business. Therefore, you must ensure that you’re dressed appropriately and professionally at all times. If you’re concerned about the clothing that colleagues are wearing, consider implementing a dress code. A clear dress code will ensure that everyone adheres to the standards you expect. It’s a good idea to put in writing all your expectations for employees. It will help them to act and behave in the way you would like and gives them a document to refer to.

On a similar note, looking scruffy is just not acceptable when you work in a salon or the beauty industry. Make sure your appearance is representative of your business and the amazing services that you offer.

Stay in the Zone

One of the most important things to remember when working in a customer facing role is that you should always put personal matters aside when at work. From the moment a client arrives, they must be your number one priority as at the end of the day, they keep your business going.


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