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unwanted hair

Treating Skin Concerns: Unwanted Hair and SkinBase IPL

Having unwanted hair can be embarrassing and have an impact on confidence levels and day-to-day life. No matter where it appears on the body, it can be a hassle to remove. Shaving can be ineffective, hair removal creams can irritate sensitive skin, and waxing can be overly painful. If you don’t want to deal with these problems, SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a great choice.


What is SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light

SkinBase IPL is a progressive, light based therapy that can be used to treat unwanted hair, acne, scarring and pigmentation. Unlike laser treatments, The SkinBase IPL uses cut off filters to provide multiple wavelengths of light. The wavelengths of light are then used to target the desired problem within the second layer of skin, without harming the top layer.  The light pulses are targeted into the skin using a handheld device.


IPL for Unwanted Hair

When IPL is used for hair removal, the wavelengths of light are absorbed by the melanin in the hair and converted into heat. The heat then targets the root of the hair, causing controlled damage to the hair follicle. This makes any unwanted hairs fall out at the root, and also disables the follicle so hair cannot grow in the future. The best time to begin a course of hair reduction is in the autumn, as skin is wrapped up and sun exposure is minimal. With patience and progressive treatments, skin could be hair free by the following summer. IPL specifically targets hair in the anagen phase of the growth cycle.


Hair Growth Cycle

At any given time, the hair on the body is in one of three stages of the hair growth cycle. Anagen is the first stage of the cycle, and is the active phase of the hair, where the cells in the root are dividing rapidly. Hair on the body (e.g. arms, legs, eyelashes, and eyebrows) has a very short active growth phase, so they do not grow as long as the hair on the scalp. Approximately 30% of hair is in the anagen phase at once, therefore, a treatment course is necessary to ensure all hairs are targeted.


Number of Treatments

The exact number of treatments necessary to remove unwanted hair with IPL depends on each individual client. Many factors influence how quickly results will be seen, such as the area being treated and individual properties of hair and skin. A full consultation will always occur before any treatment begins, detailing a plan and realistic expectations. Usually, between 6 and 10 treatments are ideal to achieve the best results. A booster session every few months may be required after completing a course to ensure any stray hair or reactivated follicles can be targeted.


IPL Benefit – Convenience

The ultimate benefit of IPL Hair Reduction is convenience. With an industry leading spot size, treatment times are quicker than alternative methods of hair removal. No post-treatment clean up means you can fit your treatments into your lunch break and not have to take any additional time. This is also possible as there is no recovery time associated with SkinBase IPL. As it is a non-invasive treatment, you can get right back to your day.


IPL Benefit – No Pain

As it is non-invasive, IPL is not painful. A specially developed cryo-cooling handset is placed on the skin before the treatment to ensure comfort. Only a slight warm, tingling sensation will be felt during the sessions. IPL also works to reduce pain in your daily life as it minimises the risk of ingrown hairs. If hair is not growing – it cannot get stuck.  Switch to IPL Hair Reduction now and you’ll never have to worry about painful treatments again!


IPL Benefit – Very Effective

IPL for Hair Reduction is also very effective. SkinBase therapists have achieved up to 95% permanent hair reduction for their clients. With any hairs that do return often much finer and lighter than before. The fantastic before and after images entered into the Transformation of the Year 2022 competition show some fantastic results on the face, arms, and even the feet! Take a look here.

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