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Salon Experience

Want More Reviews? Sell The Salon Experience

In your salon, you’re not only selling a service – you’re selling the whole salon experience. Driving salon sales is based on memorable impressions made by you and your team. When leaving, clients want to feel satisfied that they got what they came for. It is your job to make them want to come back!
Make this easier for them by going the extra mile. How do we create a 5 star salon experience?


The atmosphere in your salon should be relaxed, welcoming and comfortable. How you greet customers is all important: 
  • Smile – positive messages release mood-elevating enzymes
  • Introduce yourself – treat visitors like guests
  • Call them by name – addressing people by name makes them feel special
  • Make eye contact – body language is everything
  • Be friendly – genuine warmth will resonate with new and old customers alike
  • Don’t make them wait too long- a satisfied customer is more likely to return.


A key part of the salon experience is the relationship between client and esthetician. Proper guidance and commitment can turn new clients into loyal clients. Happy customers will come back for more treatments, follow-ups and ongoing maintenance. 

Collect Personal Information

Gather information including birthdays and contact details. Send birthday promotions and wishes to make them feel special. Thoughtful messages help to retain clients and increase salon sales. Send thank you texts or emails. You client will likely recommend your salon experience to their friends.


Don’t give each client the same standard salon experience. Get to know them. Offer refreshments and reading material you know they enjoy. Offering little things – like charging their phone – can set you apart from competition and build a better experience.

Compliment Your Clients

Who doesn’t love a compliment? If your client looks good, tell them! It is your job to make them feel good inside and out. A compliment can go a long way to building relationships – and compliments are free!

Add Value and Wow Your Clients

Make their salon experience more memorable by offering little extras. Coming to a salon or receiving salon treatments can be a special and luxurious occasion. Add a massage or give them tips on maintenance at home.  Having a positive attitude will help you sell the salon experience everyone craves. Always think of the customer first. Listen to them and prove that making them feel good is your top priority.

SkinBase™ is one of the world’s leading providers of professional beauty machines trusted by over 2,200 accredited salons and spas and more than 4,000 estheticians!

Find out more about how a partnership with SkinBase™ can increase the profitability of your salon or medspa today.

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